In programming, boilerplate refers to sections of code that are repeated in many places throughout a project or across multiple projects. This code may be necessary, but it is often repetitive and can make the codebase harder to read and maintain.

Examples of boilerplate code in Java might include getters and setters for class variables, constructors, exception handling, and standard methods such as equals() and hashCode(). While these sections of code are necessary for the program to function properly, they can be repetitive and add a lot of noise to the code.

Boilerplate code can make code harder to read, harder to maintain, and more error-prone. To reduce boilerplate code in Java, developers can use code generation tools, frameworks, or libraries that automate repetitive tasks or provide abstractions that eliminate the need for repetitive code.

Reducing boilerplate code can make Java programs more concise, easier to read and maintain, and less prone to errors. It can also help developers to focus on the business logic of their application rather than the mechanics of Java syntax and boilerplate.

There are several popular tools for reducing boilerplate code in Java. Here are some examples:

  1. Lombok: Lombok is a Java library that can automatically generate code for common tasks, such as getters, setters, equals, and hashCode methods. It can help reduce boilerplate code and make Java code more concise.
  2. MapStruct: MapStruct is a code generation library that can generate type-safe mapping code between Java objects. It can help reduce boilerplate code for data transfer objects (DTOs) and other mapping scenarios.
  3. Spring Boot: Spring Boot is a popular framework for building Java applications. It includes many features that can help reduce boilerplate code, such as automatic configuration, embedded web servers, and simplified data access.
  4. Apache Commons: Apache Commons is a collection of reusable Java libraries that can help reduce boilerplate code for common tasks, such as file I/O, string manipulation, and reflection.
  5. Project Lombok Delombok: Project Lombok Delombok is a tool that can be used to remove Lombok annotations and generate equivalent Java code, allowing for a better understanding of the code base.
  6. JHipster: JHipster is a popular generator for creating Spring Boot + Angular/React projects. It can help reduce boilerplate code for building modern web applications.

Overall, these tools can help reduce boilerplate code in Java and make it easier to write and maintain code. Each tool has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it's important to choose the one that best fits your needs and integrates well with your development workflow.